Point of Sale

Speed and Simplicity
Our first goal in developing our Point-Of-Sale module was to make it fast. You only have a few minutes between each tee time and you have to be able to process sales quickly. You can sell a greens fee and cart, collect payment, and color code the tee sheet by pressing [Enter] F4 [Enter] A.

Our second goal was to make it easy to learn and use.
Inventory Control
You can track every inventory change (receipts, sales, returns, and adjustments). We have a simple physical inventory count procedure.

You can set minimum on-hand amounts and get a notice when an item falls below that level.
Track sales every way possible. If we don't have the sales report you want, let us know and we will create it.

Credit Card Processing
We have interfaces with ETS, Heartland, and WorldPay.

Gift Card Processing
Many processors charge a monthly and/or transaction fee to process gift cards. We handle gift card processing internally with no additional fees.

Phone: (502) 209-9302
Fax: (502) 530-8002